Saturday, February 4, 2012

Diamond Head

In an earlier post Ed said he would take a picture from the top of Diamond head. This view is from the inside of the extinct volcano crater; the small white building is at the highest point and is the the ocean over look point. It's a fairly tough and hot walk but the view from the top is well worth the effort. The building at the top is what remains of a look-out and defense battery from the Second World War.
Ta Dah!!! the view from the top. The homes along this part of the sea shore have wonderfull views from their back yard and the reef prevents ocean craft from getting too close. Very nice if you can get it.
We pass this place on a regular basis. Ed is keen to give the food a try but Christine is not on board with that idea - she can not get past the name of the place and is convinced the food can not be good.
We would like you to meet Ed's new friend Ming. This guy sits all day in the same place, in a small shopping plaza, close to where we are staying - never appears to move - happy soul.
 9:00am and the surfs up - I guess this guy is hoping for big rollers.
I think he might be a little disappointed but who knows, he may be quite happy to wait for the perfect wave. Good waves were few and far between on this particular day but I am sure all out there are not wishing they were at work.

We continue to enjoy the sunshine and lazy warm days. Amazing - two weeks have passed already - it has gone so quickly but we have a little while longer to enjoy ourselves and are so not in a hurry to get back to work.
Take care all and stay warm - see you soon.

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