Monday, February 6, 2012

North Shore

Today we took the public bus to the North Shore - Sunset Beach, in the area referred to as Banzai Pipeline - the surf is up and we decided we would like to see the big waves. We were not disappointed - the waves were enormous - about 15 feet at the face. Warning flags were posted and all were advised to stay out of the water - rip currents and undertows were waiting to grab anyone who ventured into the water.
The lifeguard hut was manned but only nutters would be tempted into that water. Yes there were plenty of nutters (dare devils) around today - the water was full of them. Seriously, these guys were extreme athletes - excellent swimmers and very good surfers. We did see one young fellow struggle ashore with only half of his board and because the board was useless he had great difficulty making it through the undertow back to shore. The power of water should never be underestimated.
Ed likes to swim but not in this stuff and was quite happy to sit on the beach for a couple of hours and watch the show. Christine had him to turn around for a few minutes to get his picture taken.
The bus route is called the Circle Island and does exactly that. We got on the bus at 9:00 am and each paid our $2.50 fare - 90 minutes to the North Shore - after a picnic, and hanging out for a couple of hours, we jumped on the bus again to continue our journey around the island, for another two hours. If you are not in a hurry, and we are not, it is the best $5.00 that you can spend. The scenery outside of the bus is first rate and the entertainment inside is equally as good - we always see strange folks while travelling.

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