Monday, February 13, 2012

A Day at the Canoe Races and Hawaiian Games

Yesterday (Sunday) Christine and Ed strolled over to the beach park at the Hilton Hotel. We arrived around 9:00 am for the opening ceremonies for a day of traditional outrigger canoe races and Hawaiian games. The outrigger canoes were enormous - forty feet long and propelled by six paddlers- the rear most paddler also steered the craft.
There were many heats of four canoes in various classes throughout the day and a very exciting atmosphere prevailed. Above are canoes heading out to the start line 500 meters or so off shore. The craft line up and are given the start flag - then they come barreling into shore at an amazing speed.
There were several traditional Hawaiian games being played - some were very similar to ten pin bowling but the pins had to be avoided and the round rock had to come to rest as close as possible to a wall. The game above is a relay run which comprises of placing coconuts into a hessian sack, running, emptying the sack, repeat and do it quicker than the opposing team. It was all very exciting and good to watch.
The lagoon at the Hilton was used for stand up paddling relay races - it looks easy but apparently it isn't quite as simple as it looks - especially at speed.
 A lot of flowers are now starting to come into bloom - we found this beautiful lilly in one of the hotel ponds.
A very exciting day of watching was rounded out with a leisurely stroll back to our place for dinner.

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