Sunday, January 29, 2012

Out and About in Waikiki

 The Ala Wai canal runs beside our hotel and we have a great view of it from our balcony. In a couple of weeks time there will be a Hawaiian culture day and outrigger canoe races will be a big part of the celebrations.  Almost every time we look over the water there are craft of various descriptions being paddled up and down and some are already getting down to the serious stuff of racing practices. We have already scoped out a nice shady spot on the grass to watch the events from.
Hilo Hatties produces and sells everything Hawaiian; big shirts included. This monster holds a place in the Guinness book of records and is touted as the largest shirt in the world.
 It is thirsty work being on vacation and a big drink was considered very appropriate.
Mine is in there somewhere!!! I am not sure how these bike racks work, but folks lock a bike up and leave, others follow and just dump theirs on top; lock them and leave, and so on until you have a big pile of bikes. It looks impossible to get a bike from the bottom of the heap without the top guys unlocking first.
Sunset is a wonderful time of day, especially when you can get out of bed the following day and do it all again. Stay warm folks.

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