Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Makapu'u Beach

We took the short bus ride to Makapu'u (pronounced who who at the end) Beach and the picture above is the view you get as you cross the road from the bus stop - wonderful. It looks so beautiful and "peaceful" - beautiful yes but peaceful no - as you get closer to the beach the noise from the surf becomes more noticeable. It thunders onto the rocky shore and continually sends a light spray into the  air. If you wear glasses, as we do, they become less see through by the minute.

There is life guard station at this beach and they are diligent in posting warning signs to alert wave status, rip currents, under tows, etc. The beach is situated at the head of a small bay and the waves are funnelled towards the beach and increase in intensity as they approach the shore. Most of the folks riding the waves are on smaller boogy boards rather than the longer surf boards - more maneuverable it appears. All of the riders are wearing short fins on their feet to give themselves more purchase on the water and enable them to power through the white water. The lifeguards continually warned beach goers, through loud hailers,  to stay out of the water if they were not wearing fins.
Ed is happy to watch the fearless young guys and has no intention of venturing into the boiling surf - he is a good swimmer but is looking forward to a long and healthy retirement.
No fear - no fins - no way.

The flotsam just above the high water mark tells it's own story - are the fin and boogy board related?
Hope not but we are left to wonder.

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