Friday, February 11, 2011

Sea Days

We visit a port or two and then have a sea day - this is when we catch up on reading, wash out our bathers or just laze around. We spend a fair amount of time peering over the deck rail hoping we see wildlife and we have not been disappointed.
We have seen many groups of whales and even a big shark - that was quite a treat - very exciting. One day we saw literally hundreds of turtles floating by on the currents. We estimated they were about 2 feet across the back.
We have seen numerous pods of dolphins and it is great to see them speeding past the ship doing back flips and generally just having fun in the water - they are amazing creatures.
We saw a stingray,  lots of flying fish and birds fishing or just following the ship. Christine and I were walking the promenade deck one evening and came across a little bird that had hopped on board for a rest and a little ride.
It goes without saying that the ship has awesome food and we are not spoiled for choice - Ed often has too many good choices and has difficulty deciding what to eat. There a are a few nice quiet bars to choose from, a library to spend time in and of couse ice cream in the afternoon. Life is good.
Our next post will be Guatemala followed by Nicaragua. We will try to not keep you waiting too long. 

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