Friday, February 25, 2011

Salaverry - Peru

 We woke up to the sound of the ships horn - fog horn - the place was enveloped in the stuff - very spooky. All shipping except ours was prevented from entering the port - did we feel special. The ship was guided the last few hundred feet to the dock by the headlights of many cars and trucks lined side by side on the pier. All of the coastline in this part of South America is affected by this pnenomenum. The Humbolt current flows up from Antarctica at 15 degrees C and mixes with 30 degree air on the surface of the ocean. The fog clears as the sun rises during the mid morning.
When the fog cleared we found a very strange landscape - desert - it only rains perhaps once in 8 to 10 years and very lightly.
We visited some pre-Inca ruins which were very inpressive being built from clay and mud. At first you think amazing they lasted a thousand years but without rain what else is going to happen. The buildings were built low and wide to sustain earthquakes. This particular site once housed 50 to 60 000 people. We saw the remains of temples, palaces and regular homes. Very cool.
When we were at the sea shore we saw fishermen in reed boats which looked very fragile . The  locals were offering rides but we didnt take up any offers.

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