Thursday, February 17, 2011


 Welcome to Nicaragua - the view is from the primitive dock in Corinto.  The sun is high and it is very warm - just what we wanted, right? I am pleased I have my trusted beanie hat with me, it has saved me from severe sunburn many times. The hat is a souvenier from Katie's soccer days - thanks Katie.
 Active volcanoes can be seen smoking away on the horizon and you can see in the photo how hazy the sky is. This picture was taken from the roof of the cathedral - quite the climb but well worth the effort.
 This partof the world does all of its trading on the street - this is a shot of a used book seller.
 Unemployment runs at around 40% in this country and once outside the towns, some of the homes are very spartan. Rainfall is very low in this area so a roof is only required to keep out the sun.
 The kids are very cute in this part of the world but not very energetic - too warm maybe.
Eh! it's allowed -  we are on holiday. Mid afternoon beers are very refreshing after a hard days sightseeing.
85F and high humidity is hot and the evaporation needs to be replaced.
Catch you all later.

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