Thursday, February 17, 2011

Panama day 2

 The second day in Panama we took a trip into the rainforest to visit an indian village. We kept our fingers crossed and hoped that this was not staged for the tourists. We were not disappointed - very authentic.
We were transported up the river to the village in dug out canoes - not the most stable transport but fun. Christine was very happy that she could wear a life preserver.
On arrival at the village we were treated to dancing and lunch. We ate Tilapia fresh from the river and fried plantains - very tasty too. We ate the same food as the villagers and it was served in bowls made from palm leaves. No doing the dishes required. Even the dog looked on in anticipation of leftovers.
 Christine brought a few candies for the kids for after their meal and she made friends for life. We were invited to dance after eating and the kids made a beeline for Christine and Ed, and we had so much fun with them.
Later we wandered around the village and asw exactly how they lived. It is a very spartan life but the villagers looked healthy and seemed quite happy.
This was a very special day which we both enjoyed immensly.

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