Thursday, February 17, 2011


We arrived in Panama at the port city of Fuerte Amador - very hot and sticky but we can escape the heat by venturing up into the mountains. The port city is full of cargo ships and is a very busy place. This is the port of entry for all ships to travel through the Panama Canal from the Pacific Ocean.
We took a tour of a protected ecological and wildlife area inside the caldera of an extinct volcanoe. The photo below is of us all togged up and ready to set off into the "wilderness" - if we don't return, liquidate our assets. The air was cool and comfortable and there were lots of birds and butterflies. The real treat though was when we returned to the coach and saw this three toed sloth wandering across the road. Man they are slow - if you look at it's back you can see the green algae in its fur and it carried a colony of bugs too.

 The clay pottery in this area is very pretty and decorative. I expect it would be tough to get home in one piece though.

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