Sunday, September 9, 2012

Damian and Ed - day 6 - Lake Louise

Today was plan B - original plan - hike to Rockbound Lake behind Castle Mountain - 2 hours each way. The Bow valley Parkway was closed today for a charity bike race and we could not access the trail head - we will make this miss an opportunity for another day out together in the future.

A quick review of options and a hike around Lake Louise looked like an interesting day out.
Shortly after leaving the parking lot we headed up the Tea House trail for Mirror Lake and Lake Agnes shortly after.

Damian on the shore of Agnes Lake - ready to go again after our snack and lemonade. The challenge is at the head of the lake - up and around the back of the Beehives.
Damian and Ed along the trail on Lake Agnes shore.
Damian at Chateaux Lake Louise with glacier behind him.

Chateaux Lake Louise from the glacier.
Superman!!!!! quite the hike up high above Lake Louise.
A glimpse of Lake Louise as we make our way to the Plain of Six Glaciers Tea House.
A good haul but we made it to our destination - very close to the glacier at the head of Lake Louise. Way to go Damian - you are full of energy and it is fun to be out and about with you. Million $ views today - yeah!!!

At the end of a hot and strenuous day a welcome soak in the "cool" 4 degree C water of the lake - guaranteed no aches and pains tomorrow though. Brrrr!!! 10 to 15 seconds before bone ache sets in - much worse than brain freeze from ice cream.
Today we have hiked close to 20 km which included many elevation gains and losses - a tough hike but great fun and fabulous views.

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