Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Evening Stroll Along the Beach

The last two hours before sun set are really pleasant as the temperature begins to fall toward the evening 70s. There are lots of big shade trees everywhere so getting out of the direct sun at almost any time of the day is quite easy. This shot is looking west from under the massive banyan tree  outside of the zoo entrance.
The sun is almost at the horizon and darkness will fall soon but many folks will continue on to walk the beach  in the moonlight.

We came across this big fellow as we wandered the tide line. A male Hawaiian Monk Seal, quite rare and an endangered and protected species. We felt quite honoured that he chose "our" beach to haul out and rest. We thought it was quite cute that he used his flipper to rake up the sand under his head to make a comfortable pillow - smart guy.
This shot is looking at the Diamond Head from one of the several small piers along the beach. Later Ed will walk to the top and take the opposite view.

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