Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just hanging out

Today we hung around the pool area and had a very lazy day. Both mum and I read a few pages of our books but not too much else. Being free as the birds is a very nice feeling.
I have started to read a book on my e reader and I must say it is a fun way to read and very convenient - thanks for the set up help Katie. It is much more manageable than a paper book but I doubt I would dare take it in the bath as I am in the habit of dropping off to sleep and have already drowned a couple of books. Paperbacks become a bit wrinlkly but are still usable but I doubt the e reader would be.

The weather has taken a bit of an upturn and today was very sunny and comfotable at around 80F. It was quite cool and breezy when we arrived but each day has been a little better than the last and the forecast for tomorrow is predicted to be similar to today.

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