Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day out in Fort Lauderdale

Yesterday (Monday Jan 3rd) we took the local bus and spent the day exploring Fort Lauderdale.
The river walk is a beatiful area with a paved way which meanders through gardens, over bridges and in among some very impressive buildings.
There are many large motor launches tied up along both sides of the river and there is obviously a lot of money "living" in this area.
After walking along the river we made our way to Las Olas Boulevard which is a very scenic and interseting street. It appears to be the main shopping and commercial street of the area. One end of the street is a typical downtown area with very tall buildings and as you continue walking it slowly transforms into what looks more like a village area.  In this area there are numerous restaraunts and bistros, art galleries and curio shops - a very intersting area to enjoy and walk.
The bus ride home was quite an adventure - it was quitting time - around 5:00pm and the bus was packed with folks trying to get home. The previous bus had been canceled and there were some very unhappy campers. For us it was just entertainment.

I am not sure if you eat the fish or the fish eats you at this place. We didn't take a chance and gave it a miss.

My next car!!!!!
And while I am shopping, my next boat :)
This is a gravity clock and is operated by running water and many balls around 200mm diameter. It is amazing to watch and see the balls climb an elevator and be discharged at various places around what looks like a really big roller coaster. Very neat.

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