Sunday, January 16, 2011

A day at the race track

We did something very different yesterday  - we spent the afternoon at a local race track. We both had a lot of fun - it was quite surprising that we could get as close to the horses and riders as we did. The name of the facility is Gulfstream Park - it looks quite new and is a very impressive place. We didn't lose any money as we did not place any bets. We need help from an "expert" to understand all the jargon and terminology associated with odds etc. We were able to park ourselves right at the finish line and watch a few races and listen to the horses thunder by. Very exciting.

Can you hear us cheering on the winner?

We also found that someone is impersonating Christine and has opened a restaurant in her name. We walked up and announced ouselves as the owners, hoping we could get a free meal but they were having none of that. :)

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