Saturday, March 5, 2011

Chiapas - Mexico

All of the countries we have visited recently in South America have shown a very high military and police presence but Mexico has even more out in the streets and offshore. As our ship came into site of land we were joined by a gunboat with a full complement of well armed personnel.
Signs and do not enter tapes were evident to help the tourists make the correct decisions on where they could be. Ed wandered a little to close to one of the area boundaries and was redirected by the point of a gun.
Chiapas is a small working port very close to the most southerly border of Mexico and smuggling is a big issue in this area - hence the security.
 The two figures at the end of the pier are sailors on guard in full sun. The guy on the right was leaning on the concrete bollard and kept falling asleep - it was funny to watch.

This was not a great place to visit - it was a very small town and the restrictions made it mostly off limits for wandering - 30 minutes or so and we were twiddling our thumbs.
OK lift the anchor and we will catch up with you all in a day or so.

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